In 2020 US foreign assistance to Armenia will be $6.75 million
This is the sum allocated to Armenia via ‘’Foreign Assistance’’ channel
For a comparison, it should be noted that that in 2019 that sum was $6.4 million, in 2018- $6.80 million, in 2017- $26.41 million, in 2016- $23.10 million.
From the money allocated for 2020
$100.000 will be provided for education,
800.000 will be provided for economic development,
$3.100.000 for democracy and human rights,
$1.500.000- for security and peace (the money for conflict resolution and reconciliation included).
The rest will be provided for other spheres.
The biggest assistance via ‘’Foreign Assistance’’ channel was given in 2011- $45.2 million.
This is the assistance allocated through US 2020 foreign assistance budget. Of course, additional packages shall not be excluded, however, there is no progress yet.