US Elections and Armenian Votes

The forthcoming US presidential election is poised to be challenging due to existing tensions, public discord, and legal actions against ex-President Donald Trump. These factors suggest that both parties will vigorously pursue every voter’s vote, ensuring that each ballot is duly counted. In this context, Armenian votes are significant, spread across different states.

While votes in California and Massachusetts may not sway the outcome much due to their usual blue state status, Armenian votes in swing states like Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin can hold substantial importance during the pre-election period. In this regard, the Armenian votes in these states are vital for both Republicans and Democrats, making it essential to grasp the stance of the Armenian community on these elections.

Certainly, there is no clear answer as to whom Armenian voters will choose, as they weigh Armenia’s priorities alongside their own visions for the future in the US. It is evident that Armenian votes will be split between Republicans and Democrats.

Despite this, the Armenian community and numerous organizations have taken a clear stance. Following the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, they have intensified their criticism of the Biden administration, arguing that Biden failed to adequately support Armenia and Artsakh, hold Aliyev accountable, and refrain from arming Azerbaijan. In addition to the administration in general, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and USAID director Samantha Power are subject to serious criticism. However, this does not imply that Armenian votes will simply go to Trump, as there is also the opinion in the Armenian diaspora that Trump was too occupied with his pre-election campaign before the 2020 elections to pay sufficient attention to the Azerbaijani aggression against Artsakh in September of 2020. He did not take any significant steps to protect Armenian interests before handing over the position to Biden in January 2021, which is certainly, a valid perspective existing within the Armenian community.

Simultaneously, there’s a viewpoint advocating for participation in elections and backing an independent candidate like Robert Kennedy, well-versed in Armenian matters and holding a strong pro-Armenian stance. While his chances of winning may be slim, an independent candidate could significantly disrupt the frontrunners like the Independent Ross Perot did in 1992 during the George H. Bush vs. Bill Clinton election.

To ascertain the Armenian diaspora’s voting inclinations in the United States, delving into their priorities, their outlook on Armenia’s future, and their engagement in American political spheres is imperative. Certainly, there is no definitive answer regarding the voting preferences of the Armenian diaspora in the US due to its diverse nature and historical evolution. The diaspora’s composition spans various periods, from pre-Genocide formations to post-genocide migrations, Soviet-era influxes, and continuous arrivals post-Armenian independence. This community includes individuals from Armenia, survivors of the Baku pogroms, Armenians from Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Iran, Turkey and other regions.

Consequently, predicting their electoral choices remains complex. Nevertheless, it is evident that Armenian-American voters prioritize their views on Armenia and US policy towards the country in their final decision-making process.

Originally published in the Armenian Mirror Spectator
